搬家需要准备什么东西 |
添加时间:2020/11/19 15:36:22 浏览次数: |
搬家需要准备什么东西 What do you need to prepare for moving 择搬家吉日 Choose a good day to move 搬家吉日怎么选?对照黄历,考虑入住家人的生辰八字,或者请专业的老师帮忙挑选日子。 How to choose a good day to move? According to the almanac, consider the eight characters of your family's birthday, or ask a professional teacher to help you choose the day. 准备七宝 Prepare seven treasures 七宝:买柴、米、油、盐、酱、醋、茶,这七宝代表着吉祥物。七宝每样只要准备一小包,并在七宝上各贴一张十元大小的红纸,在良辰吉日当天拿进屋内,并摆放在客厅茶几上或厨房里即可。 Seven treasures: buy wood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea. These seven treasures represent the mascot. As long as you prepare a small bag of seven treasures, and paste a piece of red paper with the size of 10 yuan on each of the seven treasures, and take them into the house on a good day and put them on the tea table in the living room or in the kitchen. 买日常用品 Buy daily necessities 日常用品:在新碗、筷子、扫把、畚斗上贴红纸,连同新衣物要一同搬入新家。这些有敬告屋内鬼神的作用,表示有人要搬进房子,请鬼魅快离开。 Daily necessities: stick red paper on new bowl, chopsticks, broom and dustpan, and move into new house together with new clothes. These have the function of warning the ghosts and gods in the house, indicating that someone wants to move into the house, please leave the ghost quickly. |
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