什么情况下要对空调加氟 |
添加时间:2022/5/31 15:14:06 浏览次数: |
什么情况下要对空调加氟 Under what circumstances should the air conditioner be fluorinated 1、使用超过5年以上的(任何一台分体式空调机都会自然泄漏氟立昂); 1. Used for more than 5 years (any split air conditioner will naturally leak Freon); 2、多次移机的(空调移机排空时会消耗部分氟立昂); 2. Many times of relocation (some Freon will be consumed when the air conditioner is relocated and emptied); 3、夏天外机连接点的粗管裸露处(即低压管)不结露或不凉的; 3. In summer, the exposed part of the thick pipe (i.e. the low-pressure pipe) at the connection point of the external machine does not condense or cool; 4、夏天外机风扇排风不热的; 4. In summer, the exhaust of the external fan is not hot; 5、夏天回气压力(粗管)低于0.4兆帕的; 5. In summer, the return gas pressure (coarse pipe) is lower than 0.4 MPa; 6、压缩机运转电流小于铭牌标注正常值的; 6. The operating current of the compressor is less than the normal value marked on the nameplate; 7、夏季高压管(细管)结霜的; 7. High pressure pipe (thin pipe) frosting in summer; 8、夏季空调内机结冰或吹框格护坡模具 箱体护坡模具 华尔街铜牛 电阻柜 接地电阻柜 电缆保护接地箱 隔离墩模具 化粪池模具雾的(有时候还伴有内机漏水); 8. Ice or fog blowing in the air conditioner in summer (sometimes accompanied by water leakage in the air conditioner); 9、冬季手摸外机铜管接口处粗管不烫手的; 9. In winter, it is not hot to touch the thick pipe at the copper pipe interface of the external machine; 10、空调有泄漏点的; 10. Air conditioners with leakage points; 11、空调开机后十几分钟就停机的(低压保护或过热保护)。 11. The air conditioner shuts down more than ten minutes after starting up (low-voltage protection or overheat protection). |
上一页 维修的空调必须符合其使用条件及安装标准 |
下一页 空调移机注意事项 |