搬家注意事项 |
添加时间:2018/8/25 10:07:06 浏览次数: |
1、所有人都要开心,不说不吉利的话,不管如何都不吵架。要特别注意家人;不可哭哭啼啼,不可乱发脾气,不可打骂小孩; 1, everyone must be happy, not to say unlucky, no matter how they do not quarrel. Pay special attention to your family members. Do not cry or be angry. 2、对待搬家的工人要亲切,要好; 2, treat the moving workers kindly and well. 3、路过桥和十字路口可以撒零钱硬币,会更好; 3, pass the bridge and cross road can spread coins coins, will be better; 4、每个人都不要空手进门,小孩可以拿一张银行卡; 4, everyone should not go to the door empty handed, the child can take a bank card. 5、择日后可另外找一个生肖六合的亲朋好友协助搬家,主要是人来就好; 5, we can find another Chinese Zodiac friend and family member to help move in Liuhe after the election. 6、上次的房子打水回来,续水就是续财; 6, the last time the house came back from the water, the continuation of water was the continuation of wealth. 7、不要用以前别人用过的家私,比如床,沙发; 7, do not use the furniture that other people used before, such as bed, sofa. 8、当晚点通宵电灯; 8, when the lights are late all night. 9、当天要做饭,可邀请六合,天乙贵人的朋友来吃饭,增加人气,也叫暖房; 9. If you want to cook on the same day, you can invite your friends to dinner, which is also called the warm room. 10、一定要上午搬完; 10, we must finish in the morning. 11、搬家方向很重要,不能往太岁方向搬,比如今年2018年是西北,不能往西北搬,适当绕一下最好。要避免路过法院,殡仪馆,医院,遇到则绕路走。 11. Moving direction is very important, can not move to the direction of too old, for example, this year 2018 is northwest, can not move northwest, appropriate around the best. To avoid passing the court, funeral parlour, hospital, encounter a detour. |
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