Introduction of fluorine collection method for air conditioner relocation
山刷房 保定网站建设 保定强夯 卷扬式启闭机 保定网站制作 收费岛模具 遮阳网 麻绳管阀),用六角顶住加氟口顶针(低压加氟口),让里面的气体跑出来,10秒左右,不要太久,以免雪种跑得太多,这样管道里的空气就可以排出。然后打开高低压阀门,连接内外机的电源线。
During installation, open the valve to vent as follows: after the
internal and external units are fixed, connect the air conditioner,
mainly because the connecting pipes of the internal and external units
are tight, and pay attention to the connection to prevent refrigerant
leakage. Turn on the automatic air conditioner with the hexagonal
switch, turn on the high-pressure valve (thin tube valve), and use the
hexagonal to hold the thimble of the fluorine adding port (low-pressure
fluorine adding port), so that the gas inside can run out for about 10
seconds, not too long, so as to avoid too much snow, so that the air in
the pipe can be discharged. Then open the high and low pressure valves
and connect the power lines of internal and external machines