



How to Save Moving Costs
In order to save the cost of moving, first of all, we should choose a regular moving company. Never look for a moving company with small advertisements on the street, so as not to be blackened. You can consult 2 or 3 companies beforehand, and choose a moving company with a certain reputation or good reputation. Secondly, we should make preparations to avoid wasting time or money because of our own reasons.
How to Avoid Item Collision
一定要向搬家公司的人员指明哪个箱子或那件物品属于重点保护,可能的话在箱子上加醒目标识或提示语;一些易碎的物品或贵重的物品最好自己搬运;亲自监督大件家用电器的搬放;有些很沉或体积庞大的家俱(如柜子、钢琴等)应该多找几个工人搬运,并有人在旁边指流水槽钢模具 不锈钢铸件 扭王字块模具 井盖钢模具 标志桩模具 调匝式消弧线圈 风冷控制柜 烤漆龙骨挥;易碎或怕压的物品应放在最上边,最后装车,最先卸货;有些旧楼过道比较狭长,经常堆满杂物,要当心不要碰到邻家的东西。
It is important to point out to the personnel of the moving company which box or item is under the key protection, if possible, to put a warning or warning on the box; some fragile or valuable items are best handled by themselves; personally supervise the handling of large household appliances; some heavy or bulky furniture (such as cabinets, pianos, etc.) should be handled. It is necessary to find more workers to carry the goods, and someone to direct them beside them; fragile or pressure-proof items should be placed on the top, loaded and unloaded first; some old buildings have narrow corridors, often full of debris, and be careful not to touch the things of their neighbours


  1. 电话:15373126364
  2. 联系人:许立响
  3. 地址:河北省保定市竞秀区小汲店工业区

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