



How to avoid the bump, avoid dirty here to tell you a few tips:
1, use egg to wipe dirty leather sofa, a piece of clean cloth dipped in some white being polished, can remove smear, and can make the surface bright as ever.
2、用牙膏擦拭冰箱外壳。冰箱外壳的一般污 垢,可用软布蘸少许牙膏慢慢擦拭。如果污迹较顽固,可多挤一些牙膏再用布反复擦拭。冰箱即会恢复光洁。因为牙膏中含有研磨剂,去污力非常强。
2, use toothpaste to wipe the refrigerator shell. The refrigerator shell general dirt, use a soft cloth dipped in a little toothpaste wipe slowly. If the stain is stubborn, can squeeze some toothpaste to cloth and wipe. The fridge will restore smoothness. Because the toothpaste contains abrasive, quwuli is very strong.
3、蘸牛奶擦木制家具。取一块干净的抹布在过期不能饮用的牛奶里浸一下,然后用此抹布擦抹桌子、柜子等木制家具,去污效果非常好,后再用清水擦一遍。油漆过的家具沾染了灰尘,可用湿纱布包裹的茶叶渣去擦,或用冷茶水擦洗,会更加光洁明亮 。
3, dip in milk wipe wooden furniture. Take a clean piece of cloth dipped in expired not drinking milk, and then use the cloth to wipe the table, cabinet and wooden furniture, decontamination effect is very good, then rinse clean again. Painted furniture contaminated by dust, tea dregs can be used wet gauze to wipe package, or cold tea scrub, will be more bright.
4, white radish rub island cut white radish collocation detergent scrub the kitchen table, will produce unexpected cleaning effect, can also be replaced with sliced cucumber and carrot however, white radish good effect.
5、酒精清洗毛绒沙发?毛绒布料的沙发可用毛刷蘸少许稀释的酒精扫刷一遍,再用电吹风吹干,如遇上果汁污渍,用1茶匙苏打粉与清水调匀,再用布沾上擦抹, 污渍便会减退。
5, alcohol cleaning Plush sofa? Plush fabric sofa available brush dipped in a little dilute alcohol swept brush, use a hair dryer, if the juice stains, 1 teaspoon of baking soda and water and mix thoroughly, and then wiping cloth, stains will decrease.
6, apple seed oil go? The kitchen sink is often a layer of oil, apple can be used just finished eating will grease cleaned off, this is because the fruit contains pectin and pectin is the role of oil removed.
7, with salt to the carpet Soup for families with children, carpet often drop soup, do not use wet cloth to wipe. We should have a clean dry cloth or towel to dry the water, then sprinkle some salt in besmirch place, until the salt surface infiltration and absorption, use vacuum cleaner to salt away, then brush carpet can be leveled.
8、冰块去除口香糖。有些孩子喜欢吃口香糖,不小心会弄到地毯上。粘在地毯上的口香糖很不 容易取下来,可把冰决装在塑料袋中,覆盖在口香糖上,约30分钟后,手压上去感觉硬了,取上冰决,用刷子一刷就可刷下。
8, the ice removing chewing gum. Some children love to eat chewing gum, careful not to get on the carpet. Gum on the carpet is not easy to take, but the ice is packed in a plastic bag, covered in gum, after about 30 minutes, hand feels hard, take on the ice, with the brush brush can brush.
9、巧用保鲜膜这是一则懒人小妙方。在厨房临近灶上的墙面上张贴保鲜膜。由于保鲜膜容易附着的特点,加上呈透明状,肉眼不易察觉,数星期后待保鲜膜上沾满油污,只需轻轻将保鲜膜撕下,重 新再铺上一层即可,丝毫不费力。对于平日忙碌的主妇们,倒不失为一个方便偷懒的好方法。
9, using the film this is a lazy little recipe. Posted film in the kitchen near the stove wall. Because the film is easily attached features, coupled with a transparent, eye is not easy to detect, after several weeks to film on the greasy, just gently wrap torn, re covered with a layer can not laborious. For the usual busy housewives, seemed like a good way to facilitate lazy.
10、原木家具光洁法。原木家具可用水质蜡水直接喷在家具表面,再用柔软干布抹干,家具便会光洁明亮。如果发现表面有刮痕,可先涂上鱼肝油,待一天后用 湿布擦拭。此外,用浓的盐水擦拭,可防止木质朽坏,延长家具的寿命。
10, wood furniture finishing method. Log furniture available water quality wax directly onto the surface of the furniture, with a soft dry cloth wipe dry, furniture will be bright. If it is found that the surface scratches, can be first coated with Cod Liver Oil, to be a day later with a damp cloth. In addition, with thick salt water clean, to prevent wood decay and prolong the life of furniture.


  1. 电话:15373126364
  2. 联系人:许立响
  3. 地址:河北省保定市竞秀区小汲店工业区

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